Founder’s Day for Ambrosia Software, Inc. is August 18th, 1993—the day we changed from a loosely—knit gang of degenerate thugs to a legal corporation, with all of the super-interesting government forms, regulations, and taxes—I mean “contributions”—that go along with it.
In honor of the momentous occasion that is Founder’s Day, we here at the Ambrosia Home Office don our white wigs, polish our pocket watches, and strike regal poses as we strut around the office harkening “forsooth,” and “forthwith”.
Even our African Grey Parrot Hector, gets into the act by striking dignified bald eagle-like poses: a bundle of arrows in one claw, a mouse cord tightly clenched in the other as his eyes look piercingly off into the distance. Amazing what you can do with super glue.
John went overboard in his usual fashion by wearing a skirt along with his wig—I tried to explain to him the significance of Founder’s Day and that he should wear a white wig like our country’s founding fathers, not a blonde one—but he just kept mumbling something about going into a closet or coming out of a closet or something like that. ::shrug:: Well, more power to him: he does look kind of cute.
In any event, we’ve decided to declare shareware amnesty in honor of Founder’s Day: register any Ambrosia Software, Inc. product between now and September 18th, 1994 and you’ll receive a free registration for any other Ambrosia Software, Inc. product, no questions asked!
Yes that’s right folks, you can now clear your conscience for less than a pre—reformation tithe, and get free quality software to boot! When you send in your registration for any Ambrosia Software, Inc. product between now and September 18th, 1994 simply write:
“Happy founder’s day Ambrosia! Register me for {product—name} as well!”
...where {product—name} is the name of the Ambrosia product you’d like a free license code for, and we’ll take care of the rest.
If you’ve registered for one or two of our products already, take a look at the Product List section in this issue to see what else we have to offer and take advantage of this Founder’s Day celebration while it lasts!